5 Original Website Layouts To Gather Some Inspiration

A Good Layout

Upliftting the Aesthetics of the Website

Designers spend a lot of time and energy trying to come up with a good layout. They understand that a layout can quickly make or break the website design. Therefore, it’s very important for designers to think through their choice of layout making sure their creativity doesn’t undermine user experience. Below are a few websites with amazing layouts you can use to gather some inspiration.



This website has a vertical navigation on the left that disappears when one hovers the mouse over it. The navigation displays all the categories so it’s very simple for users to move from page to page. The best thing about this layout is that it doesn’t display all products on the homepage for users. Users can select whatever products they want to view and not feel like they are being coerced or bombarded with advertisements. This layout is simple and leads users to the product that best suits their unique requirements. Overall, the layout is simple and very user-friendly.

Juliana Bicycles

This is one bicycle store that has managed to develop a very unique and creative design. When the site loads, you will instantly notice the stunning photos that fill the screen. Their photos have a warm and homely appeal that instantly awakens the mind of the user. The website has been divided into 4 sections which can be accessed using the navigation icon. This website seems to have a modern design. The typography that is used is very bold and the bicycles have a 3-D effect which takes things to a whole new level.


This website has a grid layout that works really well in terms of how the elements have been displayed. There’s a vertical navigation fixed at the left of the page. At the top-right corner, you will find the search feature as well as some filter functions. The contents of the website are at the center and really stand out from what’s on the page. The pictures have a hover-effect with a nice drop-shadow.


If you are looking for a very simple yet bold layout to give you inspiration, this is probably it. Newsweek’s layout has been broken down into different sections that don’t have the same grid. The elements have been displayed in different ways to create contrast. For instance, some images appear as circles instead of just squares. The main page banner has a photograph of the lead story. The elements have a unique consistency that the reader can quickly relate to.

Mikael Edwards

If you want to incorporate some animation on your website design, gather some ideas from Mikael Edwards website. This platform has really taken advantage of animated elements to boost functionality and visual appeal. The website has hover effects that make it interactive and fun. The images shift and create some space for text. It’s a nice and simple design that doesn’t bombard users with lots of information at a go.

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