Automotive Dealership SEO Campaign

SEO Tactics

Optimizing your Web Pages

The process of optimizing your web pages for search is never easy. You may take time to come up with beautiful web pages, fast load speeds and easy navigation, but if you don’t have proper content, your website will not perform as it should online. If you’ve ever hired a webmaster to help you boost rankings, it’s always best to find out what strategies or techniques they are using to get your website to rank top on Google. There are certain SEO tactics that may appear to have quick results but end up ruining your online presence in the long run. Let’s look at a few poor SEO strategies that you must avoid at all costs.

Duplicate Content

When you publish content on your web pages that is not unique, you risk facing a penalty from search engines like Google. This includes pieces of information that you rewrite from other pages without giving the original author any credit. Take time to come up with your own unique content ideas. You would rather have a few blog posts or web pages with content but they are original and relevant to your target audience.

Inaccurate Information

Posting information that is not correct or factual not only puts your brand at risk of losing its credibility but may also have a negative impact on your rankings.

Whenever you want to share sensitive information, make sure you have data to back it up. You should consider adding external links to sources of information so that users can visit the different pages for more details. Posting information that is accurate and credible helps to establish you as an authority in your industry.

Broken Links

When your website has too many broken links, you may face a Google penalty. This often happens when you re-launch your website but you don’t check to ensure that all your old URLs have been redirected and that the new ones are working. Broken links give users a poor experience on your website and that’s why search engines considers this as a top-ranking factor. Use online tools to check if you have broken links on your website and make changes as soon as possible.

Keyword Stuffing

Whenever you post content on your blogs or pages, you need to make sure that you haven’t used similar keywords on different pages and throughout your post. Keyword stuffing is very annoying to the reader just as much as it is to search engines. The search engine will never give your website a top ranking because of using certain keywords multiple times. Stuffing of keywords makes the content hard to read, have poor flow and sound unnatural. This kind of content is not shareable and often results in a high bounce rate when shared on different platforms. Take your time to develop a good keyword strategy and come up with content that is relevant to those terms without overdoing it.

Short content can also harm your website ranking. Aim at making sure every web page has at least 350 words of content. This shows search engines that you are willing to provide users with detailed information regarding the subject matter.

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