Blogging For SEO Purposes

How Can A Blog Help With My SEO?

Blogging can be a powerful tool for increasing your search engine visibility and driving more traffic to your site. Not only does a blog help you build strong and trustworthy relationships with your customers, it also gives you the opportunity to expand your website’s platform.

Blogs are great tools for SEO because every time you create a new blog post it becomes a new webpage on your site. The more pages you have the more opportunities your site has to rank well in the search engines and find your ideal customers.

Strategical Use of Keywords

There’s no doubt that content is the key to your site’s success. To utilize its powers you want to post about keyword rich topics. Within each post you should strategically use keywords that you would like your site to rank well for. Use these keywords but also use similar keyword phrases that are frequently searched but don’t necessarily have a lot of competitive sites scratching their way to the top. For instance the keyword “pet food” is frequently used and has a lot of sites who want to be at the top of its search results. However, using keyword phrases such as “all-natural pet food” and “pet food for picky eaters” help you rank higher in searches that are not as commonly used, but still have a customer base that needs to find you and your products.

Start your blog posts with keyword rich titles. The title of your blog post becomes the title of your webpage by default. Search engines are going to give the most importance to your page’s title. Use descriptive titles like “The Best Pet Foods for Your Picky Eater” or “5 Pet Foods for Dogs with Sensitive Stomachs” vs vague titles like “Food for Fido”.

Keep your ideal customers in mind. When selling items like all-natural pet food you want your customers to be able to search for that type of product and see you at the top of the search engine rankings. If you’re not at the top then someone else is going to get snag your potential customers. That’s just the honest truth.

Start each post with a keyword rich sentence. The first couple of sentences will be the page summary that shows up directly under the page name in search results. Make the first part of your post as keyword rich as your post’s title.

Your blog content needs to be engaging to readers. When considering our example title above, “5 Pet Foods for Dogs with Sensitive Stomachs”, list the five foods in a numbered or bulleted list. This will help your reader stay more engaged and it will also generate more click-throughs. We all lead very busy lives and the more time you can save your reader by using numbers and bullets the more likely they are to appreciate your content and stay on your blog.

As you create each blog posts utilize all of the SEO tools. Keep your posts in categories and subcategories, use keyword rich meta-tags and add several tags in the given section that described your content.

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