SEO News & Tips For Amazon Sellers In Toronto

Amazon Sellers in Toronto

SEO News & Tips

According to SEO news reports, Amazon is expanding in Canada and moving into a new skyscraper in Toronto, bringing many new jobs in the area. There will be enough room for approximately 800 employees. There are currently 100 or so job postings available for sales people, developers, techs, engineers, etc… on the retail giant’s website.

The move will provide Toronto e-commerce businesses new opportunities for local SEO, due to the fact that a high number of internet entrepreneurs are part of the Amazon affiliate program and sell thousands of products through the company.

Reach Out To Local Consumers

The expansion also makes it easier for businesses to reach out to local consumers. The Amazon Local program brings merchants and customers together.

If you’re already offering products or services through Amazon’s program, you can utilize an SEO strategy to get more people interested. Some ideas for optimizing Amazon include:

– Making sure the product data is correct. If it’s incorrect, the products you are offering will not show up in filtered search results. You can use a feed to get the product details into Amazon. The correct data elements must flow into the correct fields in the interface. Fill out as many fields as possible to provide consumers with plenty of information about the product. Depending on the category, the listing may be suppressed from the search results if the fields are filled out completely.

– Organizing the content to make it readable. When describing the product, use bullet points to highlight the important features. Descriptions are easier to read this way, as opposed to paragraph form. The bullets should consist of short phrases, no longer than a sentence.

– Adding keywords in the title. The great thing about selling products on Amazon is that you are allowed to create a long title. Normally, a long title would be looked down upon, but with Amazon, the top selling products all have them. You can use the title to add long tail keywords to describe the product and its features. Take full advantage of the 500 character limit.

– Making sure the products are in the right categories. Proper categorization is extremely important at Amazon since the default search changes as users browse through products. Even if they select “all categories” initially when searching, a specific category is selected automatically whenever they click on a product. Only products within that same category will be displayed after that point. The retail giant uses a highly advanced category structure with many subcategories, so look over them carefully when deciding where to best place your products.

– Encouraging reviews. A product page with a good number of reviews tends to show up more in searches. It also helps with SEO since users might include keywords in reviews. There are a few techniques you can use to get people to leave feedback. You can add a button onto your site that makes it easy for consumers to leave a review on Amazon. You can also add a link in the email sent after purchase. Never offer to pay someone to leave a review, as it goes against policies.

It’s important to keep up with SEO news so that you’ll know how Amazon’s upcoming expansion into Toronto will affect your business.

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