What Are Some Methods For Retargeting Toronto Consumers?

Methods for Retargeting Toronto Consumers

Powerful tool to help small businesses create a name for themselves

Retargeting is a powerful tool to help small businesses create a name for themselves. Retargeting Toronto consumers is an effective way to get them to take notice of your company. It goes beyond the search engine – you can create a retargeting campaign with social marketing, local business listings, PPC, email lists, and more.

Consumers rarely buy your products or pay for your services the very first time they see your offer. They would rather visit your competitors’ sites and compare prices. With retargeting, you can stay in front of them. Even if they still do not buy from you, you have at least put your brand in their minds.

Retargeting with Social Marketing

There are nearly 6 million people in the Greater Toronto Area. Imagine how many of them have Facebook profiles, Twitter accounts, LinkedIn accounts, etc. If you have the tracking cookie on your webpage, it will follow visitors across the web, including their social media pages. With platforms such as the Facebook Exchange, you can show messages to them on their Facebook page.

Email Retargeting

There are some who would argue that email marketing isn’t as effective as it used to be. However, retargeting takes it to a new level, as it gives you the opportunity to leverage subscriber data to get the most out of your media investment. If you put a remarketing “follow” pixel over the unsubscribe button, you will still be able to display retargeting ads to those who unsubscribe from your list.

CRM Remarketing

What about mailing list subscribers who don’t even open up your emails? This is where CRM marketing comes in. It’s also referred to as Data Onboarding. It involves matching the CRM data (usually emails) of your list subscribers and/or customers with retargeting cookies so that your remarketing ads will still be shown to them.

CRM remarketing can also be used as a local advertising solution, as it can match data such as geographical regions and postal addresses with the targeting cookie.

Mobile Retargeting

More people use smartphones and other mobile devices more than they home computers or laptops. Your customers are taking their mobile phones and tablets with them wherever they go, and checking their apps several times a day.

There are different ways in which mobile retargeting can be accomplished: through statistical analysis of smartphone usages, with cookies, or with advertiser ID. Apple and Google users are assigned advertiser IDs, which can be cross-referenced with other IDs or signals by advertisers to confirm the identities of the users. Also, whenever a user logs into certain mobile web services, such as Gmail, and enables cookies, the ad tech provider can sync the cookies so that the user can be retargeted by advertisers. Relevant ads can then be displayed in apps.

Search Retargeting

With this method, you are going after individuals who search Google or Bing using keywords that are relevant to your business. The keywords you target can be as broad or as specific as you like. A lot of business don’t realize, however, that just because somebody types something into a search engine doesn’t necessarily mean they are ready to make a purchase, or even that they have an interest in the topic themselves. They could just be looking something up for a friend or associate.

So that you won’t waste money on presumptions, you can select to only retarget to those who find your site using highly-specific, location-based keywords so that you’ll know you are retargeting Toronto consumers specifically.

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