How will SEO change in 2021?

There are thousands of changes made to Google’s algorithm each year that will have an impact on SEO. Staying updated while also being aware of these changes will significantly help you stay in the right direction when it comes to SEO. Out of the many changes that will occur we’ve found four things that will change with SEO in 2021 and we wanted to share these with you.

Rankings Will Fluctuate

One thing that you need to know about SEO search engine optimization is that your rankings will always fluctuate since many factors go into SEO rankings. Using a user-first approach to your search engine optimization techniques should lead to a rising of your rankings throughout the year. Since your Google traffic will fluctuate over time it’s important to get used to this as you see an increase of traffic to your site. Although it will change as time goes, it’s important to remember that this doesn’t mean your content is not great quality but rather that Google’s algorithm is constantly changing.

Good User Experience Is Everything

Having a good user experience is now a crucial part of SEO. Going into 2021 more users have been conducting their searches on a mobile device. For this reason, it’s important to have your website optimized for mobile environments to ensure the user is having a great experience while also experiencing the highest quality on their mobile device. Optimization is not only about having speed on your page or the highest quality content but it’s overall based on offering the best user experience.

Content-Length Will Not Matter

Content in 2021 is all about having straight-forward information and to avoid all of the fluff that usually creates a lot of clutter on your site. Producing the highest quality content while remaining at a low keyword density is the best way to keep your users from getting overwhelmed on your website. Having the content as short as possible will help the users search as quickly as possible and receive the information they need.

Voice Search

And lastly, voice search has been slowly playing a huge role in mobile users. As we head into 2021 new companies are releasing ways to search up topics through voice search allowing users to access information directly by the sound of their voice. Users will continue to use voice searches which will take over more of our daily search engine queries.

Although Google goes through a great amount of algorithm changes each year and SEO is continuously changing on its own, it’s important to ensure that you stay on top of new changes that are being made. As rankings fluctuate time and time again, you just need to change the way you apply your SEO with a Toronto SEO Agency and be patient when it comes to seeing real results.

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